Shadow Friend leaving Graviton Gaming?
By Timothy Paler

In an unexpected turns of events, Manuelo Tanjay, former captain of PSHS-CVISC’S Powerhouse Graviton Gaming, announced his official leave on November 11, 2014, leaving the team with only four official members. No reason for his departure has been said yet. While changes on the team plans on making is unclear, Ellienel “Aeolus” Escultura will be the meanwhile captain.

“I am now leaving Graviton Gaming. Thanks with the time guys. Good luck with the team! Kudos.” stated Manuelo Tanjay on twitter.

As for the tournaments that they will join, they'll most likely play with Kharl “MagicF” Miranda as the stand-in for their remaining tournaments.

Graviton Gaming's Original members:

Ellienel "Aeolus” Escultura

MF “Anonymous” Tan

Kyn “Jodi” Trongcao

JR “Raph” Asok