Graviton students participate in ASPC
by Anna Beatrice Enriquez

And yeah, that's basically it
The South East Area Schools Press Conference for the division of Cebu was held last October 26-29, 2014 in Minglanilla Science High School. A total of 53 scholars were sent by PSHS-CVisC to compete and represent the school. Among them were 11 scholars from IV-Graviton who participated in the categories newswriting, feature writing, sports writing, copy reading, and radio broadcasting. The participants underwent a full one-week training under the supervision of Mr. Jed Michael Fuentes and Ms. Euney Guia. The competitions were simultaneously held for two days. Awarding took place on the last day. Out of 53 participants, 36 scholars were able to secure a spot for the division level. Some of them are Jhonna Mae Navarro who ranked second in News writing (Filipino); Lee Amherstia Curias who placed eighth in Copy Reading (English); Ma. Ave Virginia Sanchez and Mark Francis Tan who placed second in Radio Broadcasting (English); and Kristal Kilat, Jeffry Ramonida and Vennessa Carbon who ranked third in Radio Broadcasting (Filipino). They are to proceed to the Division Schools Press Conference to be held on November 12-14, 2014 in Dalaguete, Cebu.