Four Promising Years
by rhea mae danal

Unbelievable, full of hardships and at the same time, fun - those are group of word that can define a Pisay student's life while staying in the said institution. All the experiences were describe, as a whole, in many different ways but to sum it up, one word, 13 letters- unforgettable.
Since the first step of those 12 year old kid until the last step of a 16 year old young adult towards the diploma, Pisay, as a renowned school in this country, gave four years that can never be erased in the hearts and minds of the students for the rest of their lives. Four years where almost everything a person as a student could experience is here. The first year here in this school, most students cried due to loneliness. During second year, students laugh with friends that were always there, high or low. Third year,students begin to scratch the back of their heads because of academic related things and the pressure of being the next group of people to lead the underclassmen the following year. Finally, the last year of staying in Pisay is full of long, sleepless nights due to huge responsibilities and opportunities as a person exiting the portals of the highschool life and entering the chaotic world of a college student.
It is indeed a very unforgettable four years of everyone's life because one entered the institution as a kid and went out as a responsible and knowledgeable young adults. Those four years made people grow and realize things that are so valuable in the future.Students in this institution are like caterpillars undergoing pupal stage that as he/she goes out of the campus, that student will be a unique person ready to face the world outside the four corners of the classroom much like a butterfly fresh from its cocoon ready to explore and inspire the world.